Tuesday, January 24, 2012

STJ Basketball Double Header at MSG

          On Sunday, January 15, St. John's spent the day at the Madison Square Garden for a Double Header Basketball Game. After going a full week without basketball games to play for, I was so ready to join my Pep Band buddies and root for our teams. First, the men's team faced their rivals from Georgetown University, a game which unfortunately ended in a loss for STJ of 69-49. The women's team didn't have much better luck with Marquette; they lost that game, 63-55. Even though our teams weren't able to enjoy wins, there was still plenty for St. John's fans to celebrate, as our Mock Trial team was brought to the court and honored for their recent achievements, and Shenneika Smith from the Women's Basketball team was recognized for making her 1,000 point milestone at the January 4th game. 

Stephanie and me excited to be wearing our "STJ Spirit" Band
Basketball Credential tags on the bus ride to The Garden
Stephanie and I holding our flutes by a basketball hoop backstage at MSG! (Wouldn't it be so easy if the hoops were always at that height?!)
In our Pep Band seats at MSG before the men's game
St. John's Mock Trial Team being honored at MSG for all to see
Me and Pep Band member Adela (far right, in red) with Nick (far left) and Patrick (a member of the STJ Mock Trial team) after the men's game
(This was the first time I ever had a visit from non-Pep Band
 STJ friends at an MSG basketball game!)

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