Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Caroling at Chapin

          On Saturday, December 10, a group of InterVarsity members teamed up with Students for Life to bring some Christmas cheer to the residents of the Chapin Home for the Aging (located near St. John's) by Christmas caroling there. We all thoroughly enjoyed getting to make new friends that day, and we loved sharing the joy of the season with them as they joined us in singing through a long list of well-loved Christmas songs. We left our new friends with glad tidings and wishes for a joyous Christmas season, looking forward to making future visits. Below is a photo taken of our group outside the Chapin Home after our caroling - thanks to Mandy Spencer (bottom row, all the way to the left in the photo) from Students for Life (and the Music Ministry Choir) for sending this picture to me!

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