Tuesday, October 4, 2011

STJ Student Wellness Fair

        The St. John's Department of Student Wellness (known on campus as "SWELL") strives to make students health conscious, and this year's Student Wellness Fair was a fun way to do so. The fair, which was held on the Queens campus on Thursday, September 15, had many tables set up with information and giveaways related to health issues including stress management and proper nutrition. A chiropractor was also stationed to give students a posture analysis, and the student "Stressbusters" helped relieve stress by giving back rubs to anyone who wanted them.
        My favorite part of the fair was being able to satisfy healthy food cravings by visiting the stands with free smoothies and fresh corn. In addition to these, a farmer's market was also set up, at which students could purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. Another exciting part was getting to meet Vinny, SWELL's official squirrel mascot!

Three friends and me at the entrance to the student wellness fair - on the left is Charlene (the girl I met on the Mr. Softee line at Tailgate '11), who, on the day of the fair, introduced me to the two girls on the right, my new friends Stacey and Sarah
Fresh corn from the Student Wellness Fair
Me with Vinny, the SWELL Squirrel

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