Tuesday, October 4, 2011

DAC After Dark - Dessert Pizza Night

        The DAC (short for D'Angelo Center) After Dark theme for Thursday, September 8, was "Dessert Pizza Night." A group of friends and I, anxious to see how this theme would be executed, eagerly attended that night. When we arrived, we were excited to see tables full of round shortbread-like cookies, pastry bag icing, Marshmallow Fluff, and fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The fun thing about this theme was we each got to express our creativity by making our own "dessert pizzas." Being a person who doesn't like berries, I was very happy to put just icing and fluff on mine, while my friends piled the berries on theirs. The picture below shows my friend Sarah's berried masterpiece on top, and mine on the bottom. 

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