Thursday, October 13, 2011

Honors Program Freshman Welcome Reception

        Thursday, September 22, was the date of the St. John's Honors Program (HP) welcome reception for entering freshmen. As a new freshman in the honors program, I was looking forward to the reception, especially after HP Director Dr. Robert Forman's advertising that they would be giving out a special honors t-shirt that day.
        The reception, which was held in Bent Hall, consisted of a luncheon, during which words were said by Dr. Forman, Assistant HP Director Mr. Robert Pennacchio, and an honors upperclassman. It was a very nice way to spend the afternoon, as I got to enjoy the company of fellow honors students I already knew, in addition to meeting new students and faculty in the program. It was also very exciting at the end when the highly anticipated moment of receiving my honors t-shirt arrived. Below is a picture my friend Stacey sent me from that day: in it, the two of us are holding up our t-shirts with Mr. Pennacchio (far left) and Dr. Forman (far right). 

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