Monday, October 17, 2011

St. John's "Twilight Carnival"

       This past Tuesday evening, Taffner Fieldhouse was transformed into a carnival scene bursting with food, games, and fun. The doors opened at 7pm, and my friend Stacey and I entered as soon as they did. We each got a "Seein' Red" t-shirt that was being handed out, and then we immediately ran to the jumping castle that was in the corner. We bounced and laughed inside of it with the energy of little kids, relieving our stresses from the day. After that, we got on line for custom airbrushed t-shirts, which were also being given away for free. My friend Stacey and I both got "St. John's" written on ours - hers with M&M characters, mine with the skyline. We were very happy with the way our shirts came out, and even happier that we didn't have to wait on the enormous line that developed after we got ours. Other fun things we did that night included watching tricks by a carnival magician, eating cotton candy, taking photos in a photo booth, and playing different carnival games. When it came time to leave, we wished we didn't have to, but were grateful for all the fun we had and the memories we made.

The bustling carnival scene in Taffner
Me and friends Amanda, Rebecca, and Stacey with the magician
Me and Stacey with our airbrushed t-shirts
Stacey and me with cotton candy in front of our new favorite jumping castle

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