Friday, September 16, 2011

Week of Welcome 2011

       As a new freshman at St. John's University, I was excited to attend the "Week of Welcome" activities that took place this year before classes started. The first major event I attended was "DAC (short for D'Angelo Center) After Dark: Red Eye Flight," which was basically a 3-floor world showcase, with sights, sounds, and tastes of the different continents. That night, I got to see a dance performance in "Africa"; had an Oriental style poster of my name made in "Asia"; made a custom chocolate bar and got a caricature drawn of myself in "North America"; and decorated maracas in "South America".
       A couple of days later, I went to make my own St. John's tie-dye t-shirt in front of Sullivan Hall. That night, I also attended St. John's Tailgate '11, a school year kick-off celebration that included performances by the STJ Cheerleaders and Pep Band. There was also really good food there, including zeppoles and Mr. Softee ice cream - my favorite!

Me with two new friends from Texas, Anisha and Jasmine. We were very excited about our caricatures and chocolate bars, and especially excited about meeting each other that night at our first DAC After Dark!
 A close-up shot of my chocolate bar - it was white chocolate with marshmallows, gummy bears, and white chocolate chips!

My tie-dye t-shirt (right) drying on a clothesline
My first glimpse of the STJ Pep Band at Tailgate '11
My rainbow sprinkle Mr. Softee cone with cones of two new friends, Ryan and Charlene, whom I met waiting on line

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