Sunday, September 18, 2011

My First STJ Women's Soccer Game

       Friday, September 2nd was fun because I got to attend my first STJ Women's Soccer game. The game started at 7pm in Belson Stadium, but prior to it, a "Pre-Game Pizza and Poster Making" was held in Carnesecca Arena. Since I had an evening class, I thought the pre-game event would be over by the time I got there, but luckily I made it just in time because there was still some pizza and one blank poster board left! I made my poster as quickly as I could and raced over to the ticket office and then to the stadium, where I caught up with some friends and caught my breath.
       The women's team played Albany that night, and we beat them 2-0. I was excited because this now meant my first Volleyball and Soccer games at STJ were winning ones! 
First soccer game, first ticket

Me with my poster at the game
Me with Lizzy from Student Government, proud to cheer for our team
The soccer teams at play
Me with friends Anna (left) and Katie (right) after the game

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