Friday, September 30, 2011

Live, Love, Learn - NYC

        On Saturday, September 3rd, I attended the second "Live, Love, Learn" for the year at STJ. This creative weekly event - where students get to make different things depending on the theme - is usually held on Saturdays. Although the first one (t-shirt tie-dying) was held on a weekday, this NYC-themed one returned the program to its Saturday schedule. Since this one was meant to transport students to the Five Boroughs of NYC (without having to leave the 3rd floor of the D'Angelo Center), students could make things associated with NYC, such as music videos and screen printed t-shirts. Although I arrived as the activities were wrapping up, I made it just in time to share cotton candy with my friend Katie, so it turned out to be a very sweet day!

Me and Katie with our blue cotton candy

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My First STJ Women's Soccer Game

       Friday, September 2nd was fun because I got to attend my first STJ Women's Soccer game. The game started at 7pm in Belson Stadium, but prior to it, a "Pre-Game Pizza and Poster Making" was held in Carnesecca Arena. Since I had an evening class, I thought the pre-game event would be over by the time I got there, but luckily I made it just in time because there was still some pizza and one blank poster board left! I made my poster as quickly as I could and raced over to the ticket office and then to the stadium, where I caught up with some friends and caught my breath.
       The women's team played Albany that night, and we beat them 2-0. I was excited because this now meant my first Volleyball and Soccer games at STJ were winning ones! 
First soccer game, first ticket

Me with my poster at the game
Me with Lizzy from Student Government, proud to cheer for our team
The soccer teams at play
Me with friends Anna (left) and Katie (right) after the game

St. John's FOAM PARTY!!

       After leaving DAC After Dark on Thursday, September 1st, Sarah, Claire, and I headed over to the St. John's 2011 Foam Party! Before this night, I had no idea what a "Foam Party" was; when the student leaders first told us about it at orientation, I thought they said "Phone Party." I had no clue how much fun it could be until we got to the faculty parking lot where it was being held and got to jump right in! We sang, danced, and played in the foam as if we were in giant piles of snow or a massive bubble bath!
       We were also very happy to receive STJ Foam party t-shirts! The night became extra exciting for Sarah, Claire, and me when a student activities leader asked us if we would be willing to film part of a video he was making of the night. We introduced ourselves while he recorded on his FlipCam and gave a quick explanation of why we chose St. John's and what we're getting involved in. We also filmed a clip where we shouted "Welcome to St. John's Foam Party!" and threw foam up in the air together! 
       Below are my photos from the Foam Party. To see other photos (including one of Claire, Sarah, and me), check out the photo album on St. John's Campus Activities Facebook page at

Me, Claire, and Sarah before we got all wet and foamy
Foamy Feet!
A waterfall of foam
Hooray for the 2011 St. John's Foam Party!!!

DAC After Dark - Southern Style

       On Thursday, September 1st (my second day of classes), I asked my new friend Sarah (I met her when I made my tie-dye t-shirt) if she wanted to go to DAC After Dark (a weekly event where students can unwind with different fun foods in the D'Angelo Center) that night. It was "Southern Style" night, and I had heard there would be all kinds of yummy dessert pies for the occasion. I was very glad when she said yes, and was also happy to find out that she was bringing her new friend Claire, a girl from Ireland, for me to meet. Ever since that night, the three of us have become such good friends and made so many great memories together! Below is a picture of Claire, Sarah, and me with our slices of pie!

Starbucks (St. John's Style)

       My second day of school, I decided to make my first St. John's Starbucks purchase. I ordered my favorite Passionfruit Iced Tazo Tea Lemonade and a Birthday Cake Pop. Once I sat down to eat in the D'Angelo Center (where Starbucks is located) with my friend Maria, I realized how cool my drink looked next to my red tote bag, so, of course, I had to take a picture. I'd say I've taken to the school colors quite well! 

My First Day of Classes and First STJ Volleyball Game

       Wednesday, August 31st was my first day of classes at St. John's. I had my Core "Discover New York" class that day, and I really enjoyed meeting my professor and classmates, and hearing about all the interesting things we will be studying and doing this semester.
       Later on that day, I also attended my first STJ Volleyball game! I went with my friend Victoria, and we watched as our team beat St. Francis College 25-18. Plus, we were given Johnny Thunderbird (STJ mascot) notebooks. What an exciting way it was to start off my freshman year!

The scoreboard: St. John's 25, St Francis 18
Victoria and me after the game


       This year's freshman class received its official welcome to St. John's at the New Student Convocation on Tuesday, August 30th. Students entered Carnesecca Arena, where they sat in sections according to their specific college in St. John's. As a member of the College of Professional Studies, I sat in a seat on the arena floor, which brought back memories of my high school graduation, since it took place in Carnesecca Arena almost four months before. During convocation, we listened to words of welcome from University President Donald Harrington, Provost Dr. Julia Upton, and many others.
        We were then divided up by college for more presentations and faculty introduction. Afterwards, we were treated to lunch in classrooms with professors and students from our major. This was followed by an Academic Fair on the Great Lawn, where we could learn about different academic clubs and honor societies at St. John's. There were giveaways at almost every table, and cotton candy and snow cones were available in the center of the lawn.

"Cotton Candy Journalists" - I met Olivia (left) and Victoria (right), both journalism majors like me, in the classroom at lunch. We then walked around the Academic Fair together.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week of Welcome 2011

       As a new freshman at St. John's University, I was excited to attend the "Week of Welcome" activities that took place this year before classes started. The first major event I attended was "DAC (short for D'Angelo Center) After Dark: Red Eye Flight," which was basically a 3-floor world showcase, with sights, sounds, and tastes of the different continents. That night, I got to see a dance performance in "Africa"; had an Oriental style poster of my name made in "Asia"; made a custom chocolate bar and got a caricature drawn of myself in "North America"; and decorated maracas in "South America".
       A couple of days later, I went to make my own St. John's tie-dye t-shirt in front of Sullivan Hall. That night, I also attended St. John's Tailgate '11, a school year kick-off celebration that included performances by the STJ Cheerleaders and Pep Band. There was also really good food there, including zeppoles and Mr. Softee ice cream - my favorite!

Me with two new friends from Texas, Anisha and Jasmine. We were very excited about our caricatures and chocolate bars, and especially excited about meeting each other that night at our first DAC After Dark!
 A close-up shot of my chocolate bar - it was white chocolate with marshmallows, gummy bears, and white chocolate chips!

My tie-dye t-shirt (right) drying on a clothesline
My first glimpse of the STJ Pep Band at Tailgate '11
My rainbow sprinkle Mr. Softee cone with cones of two new friends, Ryan and Charlene, whom I met waiting on line

About Me

      Yesterday marked two weeks since I officially started classes at St. John's. So much has gone and I haven't had much time to blog, but I will be sharing lots of details and pictures soon! For now, I'll just share a little more about me to better introduce myself...

    My full name is Tamara Lynn Terzian, but most people know me as Tami. I was born and raised in New York and I am a very unique mix of heritages. My dad, who was born and raised in Lebanon, was Armenian and Greek. My mom, who was born in the United States, is of Irish and Hungarian background.
      I am a graduate of St. Francis Preparatory High School and I am now attending St. John's University on a Presidential scholarship, excited about beginning my major: journalism. 
      I was raised as a Baptist Evangelical Christian, though my entire schooling career has taken place in schools associated with different forms of Christianity. I love the insights I have gained from each perspective, which have helped me to develop and grow in my faith in God.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to St. John's Socialite!

Hi! My name is Tami Terzian, and I just started as a freshman at St. John's University in Queens, New York, this past week. I am a journalism major and I wanted to create St. John's Socialite to chronicle my experiences as a commuter student getting involved in activities and events on campus. Although I am new to campus, it hasn't taken me long to realize what an exciting place it is to be, and I hope to help others realize this too.

It can be said that journalists' lives revolve around five "w" words - who, what, when, where, and why - so I figured I'd explain these five aspects regarding my blog!

Who? - As my blog title states, this is a blog by me, Tami Terzian. Anyone else mentioned in posts or seen in photos will most likely be people on campus - specifically those who attend events with me.

What? - St. John's Socialite is a blog to chronicle my experiences as a student getting involved in activities and events at St. John's University.

When? - I will do my best to make postings in a reasonable amount of time after each event I attend.

Where? - The events I write about will probably always take place on the Queens Campus; however, if I happen to make a post about a visit to another St. John's campus or event, I will be sure to make note of that.

Why? - I want to show everyone what an exciting place St. John's is to be if you get involved, and I hope to encourage students - especially fellow commuters - to make the most of their time here.