Monday, September 3, 2012

STJ Relay for Life 2012

          April 13, 2012 was a day that students and faculty members of St. John's University had anticipated for months. That night, the school's 7th Annual Relay for Life fundraiser was held. Student organizations had prepared teams and gathered donations to try to reach the goal of raising $75,000 for the American Cancer Society. 
          As the Pep Band was asked to play at the opening ceremonies, I was there and got to witness all the emotional and inspiring stories being told, and learned more about the lives at STJ that have been affected by cancer.
          By the time the walk-a-thon ended at sunrise the next morning, $80,000 had been raised, surpassing the school's goal, and proving once again just how passionate and giving the members of the STJ community are!

Carnesecca Arena before the event began

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