Monday, September 3, 2012

Heart at the Art Show

          I just loved and wanted to post this clever piece of art I discovered at an art show this year at STJ. The show, which opened on Tuesday, April 3, was presented by a photography class at STJ that did an exhibit  on historical photos from the Farm Security Administration (FSA) collection. While the people of the United States were struggling through the Great Depression and Dust Bowl during the time these photos were taken, I had such an appreciation for how a photographer managed to find a symbol of love and warmth during the gloomy days. As someone who gets excited about finding heart-shaped potato chips (or any other heart-shaped food items for that matter), I figured I had to post this because I never imagined I'd see a heart of melons!

The photograph is titled "Melons on Frank Tengle's porch," and it was taken in the summer of 1936 by Walker Evans, in Hale County, Alabama.

To find out more about the FSA photographic archives, visit the Library of Congress's page on it at

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