Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Alley Pond Service

          Earlier in the semester, I wrote about looking forward to doing my ASL (Academic Service Learning) hours for my Discover New York class at Alley Pond. (That blog post can be found here.) November 1st was the scheduled day for my service, which proved to be a very interesting experience. While there, under the direction of Professor Nieter, I got to participate in a variety of tasks to help the environment, including tilling soil and planting seeds by the new boardwalk; cutting back thorn bushes; planting a tree; clearing weeds from around a natural spring; and cutting away invasive porcelain berry vines from other plants. It was rewarding to see all the progress we had made when our day of work was done, and I look forward to visiting Alley Pond in the future to see how our plantings take. 

I planted the tree seen here along with this group of STJ students; we named it "Hope," in hope that it survives.
We planted seeds along the whole length of this boardwalk and then placed wood chips on top to secure the plantings.
This is a video of the natural spring we worked to clear the area around so others can enjoy viewing it. (The man whose voice can be heard and reflection can be seen is Professor Nieter.)

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