Monday, September 3, 2012

The Clothesline Project at STJ

          The third week of April was "Turn Off the Violence Week" on the St. John's University Campus. The purpose of the week is to raise awareness of gender violence, and through The Clothesline project, students get to create and hang t-shirts around the campus with positive messages. My friend Stacey and I decorated shirts on Tuesday, April 17, and we were excited to see the amount of shirts on the clotheslines growing as the week went on.

Me and Stacey in the process of painting our shirts for the Clothesline Project
My finished t-shirt
Stacey's and my shirts hanging out in the sunshine
A beautiful rendering Stacey drew, inspired by the photo above

Accepted Students Day 2012

          The St. John's campus was even more alive and bustling than usual on Sunday, April 15, for Accepted Students Day. The Pep Band played for the event, welcoming prospective students with our lively and energetic music as they walked past Marillac Terrace. It was fun getting to show everyone just how much we love STJ and how much fun we have as part of its student body! 

STJ Relay for Life 2012

          April 13, 2012 was a day that students and faculty members of St. John's University had anticipated for months. That night, the school's 7th Annual Relay for Life fundraiser was held. Student organizations had prepared teams and gathered donations to try to reach the goal of raising $75,000 for the American Cancer Society. 
          As the Pep Band was asked to play at the opening ceremonies, I was there and got to witness all the emotional and inspiring stories being told, and learned more about the lives at STJ that have been affected by cancer.
          By the time the walk-a-thon ended at sunrise the next morning, $80,000 had been raised, surpassing the school's goal, and proving once again just how passionate and giving the members of the STJ community are!

Carnesecca Arena before the event began

DAC After Dark - "Dirt & Worms"

          DAC After Dark on Thursday, April 12, was one of the most delicious of the year. The theme was "Dirt & Worms," the name of a fun and delicious dessert creation which involves chocolate pudding, crumbled Oreo cookie pieces, and of course, gummy worms! Needless to say, my friend Sarah and I had a lot of fun both making and eating our creations, as can be seen in the pictures below!

National Grilled Cheese Day at STJ

          As I was getting ready for school on the morning of Thursday, April 12, I happened to hear on Good Morning America that it was National Grilled Cheese Day. Being an avid lover of grilled cheese sandwiches, I knew I must celebrate this day, so I decided to head over to the St. John's Law School cafe at lunchtime and got myself a delicious grilled American cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, which is beautifully displayed in the picture below!

My 1st STJ Track & Field Meet

          St. John's Athletics Department hosted its annual track meet at the DaSilva Memorial Track on campus on Monday, April 9. Although there were no classes that day, I came to the event to support my friend, sprinter Claire Mooney, as the track & field team competed against student athletes from various other colleges and universities. It was a good event for the team overall, and I really enjoyed seeing all the work STJ put into it. Plus, the best part was getting to see and spend some time with Claire! 

Me with Claire on the track in between contests

Springtime at St. John's

          Now that I've shared one of my favorite St. John's sunset photos, I figured I should also share some of my favorite photos from April that show why I love springtime at St. John's. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world to sit on these white lounge chairs and to enjoy the fresh spring air and sunshine!