Thursday, December 29, 2011

Men's Basketball vs. William & Mary

          St. John's Men's Basketball team took on William & Mary at Carnesecca Arena on Monday, November 7, for its first Opening Round game of the 2K Sports Classic. Playing with Pep Band (of course) for my third men's basketball, and first non-exhibition game, I was still in awe by the whole St. John's basketball experience. Since a high school friend of mine, Vinny Giordano, is currently a freshman at William & Mary, I made sure I took tons of pictures, both for him and for my blog! The 'Johnnies' ended up winning the game that night, a 74-59 victory, and, as can be seen by my pictures, many other cool things took place as well!

   St. John's team huddle  and     William & Mary's team huddle 
The two teams hard at play
At halftime, St. John's often hosts mini games between kids' teams on the Carnesecca court. This was the first time I ever witnessed that awesome tradition at a St. John's basketball game - and this team was just too cute!
A Pep Band 'family' photo - Jess (bells player), Stephanie (flute player), me, and R.Lo (pocket trumpet player) - as R.Lo likes to call us, "The Island of Misfit Instruments," since all our instruments are unusual for a Pep Band! 
A photo courtesy of R.Lo, who sent it to me that day as a sneak preview
of how he had decked out his pocket trumpet 'Dorothy' with
Johnny Thunderbird and St. John's decal tattoos for the
first official basketball game of the season! 

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