Saturday, April 7, 2012

DAC After Dark - Purple Night

          The theme for DAC After Dark on Thursday, February 16, was PURPLE, to celebrate the kick-off week of fundraising for STJ's Relay for Life event on April 13. When we got to the DAC living room area, I was excited to see purple icing on the cupcakes, which I didn't realize were also purple-dyed cake until I actually got one and peeled off the wrapper! It was awesome that my friend Jebin and I happened to both be dressed in purple that night (totally unplanned!), so that made for some fun pictures with our cupcakes, as you can see below! I would like to dedicate this post to my friends Amanda and Amber, both of whose favorite color is purple. 

Lots of lavendar cupcakes!
Me and Amber with our pretty purple cupcakes!
Me and Jebin proud to display our cupcakes while wearing our
well-coordinated purple and lavendar tops!
What a surprise it was when I discovered the CAKE part was PURPLE too!

Valentine's Day at STJ

          My first Valentine's Day at St. John's proved to be a lovely one. It started out with me enjoying my heart donut from Dunkin' Donuts as I blogged in the Honors Commons, where I later got to be a part of the Honors Program's Valentine's Party. There, I got to quickly decorate a heart cookie (STJ-style!) before I had to go to class. 
          Afterwards, I met up with a group of InterVarsity students who were gathering to stick Valentine themed post-its up around campus with warm, encouraging messages and Bible verses on them, as well as the web address It was definitely a fun experience, and thanks goes to my friend Taylor, whose idea it was for InterVarsity to do this as an outreach opportunity! That night, I also enjoyed a special girls' fellowship time with some InterVarsity friends, including Amber, whose sister would have turned 19 that day; it was really nice for us to spend time together and think about the joyous celebration that must have been going on in Heaven with our departed loved ones, including Amber's sister, and my grandmother, whose birthday was also February 14. 

Honors Program Director Dr. Forman and me, holding the
 STJ Valentine cookie I had just decorated
A close-up of my cookie... Can you tell I love STJ ?!
One of the post-its I wrote 
A variety of Valentine post-its (before we stuck them up),
made by me and my friends Melissa and Candace