Saturday, July 28, 2012

Men's Basketball vs. Notre Dame

          The last home game of the STJ Men's Basketball season, held on Saturday, February 25, at Madison Square Garden, was probably the most exciting of the year. The Pep Band arrived earlier than usual, as our senior members were honored prior to the game. It was bittersweet sending out farewell cheers to them, especially saxophone player Sarah Serpenti and bells player Jessica Maldarelli, as they were two of the first people who made me feel welcome in my early Pep Band days.
          This game was also an extra exciting one for me because my mom and our family friends the Mosebachs were all in the stands for their first STJ MSG Basketball game; I was so happy to have them there to see me play in the band and cheer on the STJ team! 
The game couldn't have gotten off to a better start than with a 3 point shot made by Sir'Dominic Pointer, my Intro to Marketing classmate! From that point on, St. John's kept the lead throughout the entire game (even though it got very close at points), and we ended up with one of the year's most exciting victories for STJ, beating the ranked Notre Dame team 61-58! 
Immediately afterwards, the Pep Band boarded the bus back to Carnesecca Arena, where we played for our #20 ranked women's team for their game against West Virginia University. The Lady Johnnies won their game as well, 69-49, so it was an overall great day for STJ sports!

Me and Stephanie courtside before the game, as the team warmed up
The STJ spirit group seniors being honored, including members
of the Pep Band and Cheer and Dance Teams (photo by Stephanie)
Me with my loved ones when I visited them at half time
Thanks to the man I call Uncle Rick for taking this great shot
of me playing my flute in the band!...
...and for this one of God'sgift as he prepared to make a free throw!
One more picture by Uncle Rick... of a very happy STJ team!
And finally, a picture my mom took of the final scoreboard!